Hello. Glad you could make it.

If you want to skip the explainer and jump right to it you can start here: Index of Notes: https://osint-project.netlify.app/notes/_Index_of_Russia-Belarus
Index of Maps: https://osint-project.netlify.app/notes/Maps/_Index_of_Maps

On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded the sovereign nation of Ukraine giving any number of crazy excuses for their invasion, brutality, rape, looting, cultural genocide and indiscriminate slaughter of civilians and children.

Due to this, the OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) Community has banded together, combining specialties and tools in support of Ukraine. Sometimes, it takes a village.

We do not focus on military losses or troop movements. The information we seek with this project is different. For Russia losses, check out Ragnar's awesome dashboard where you can visualize multiple views for the same data in useful and insightful ways.

A few points about this data.

How to Use this Vault

This vault was created with Obsidian, a free and expandable open source markdown project. It has been Published through Digital Garden for Obsidian, which has allowed us to post these bits of data for you to enjoy without the hassles of coding or self hosting. As such, expect things to improve over time.

Obsidian is a rich community of enthusiasts and this project has been enhanced on the shoulders of several plug-ins most notably:


Obsidian is an excellent markdown tool and can do many things. This use is not really how it was intended to be used, but we wanted to stretch and create a use case for the OSINT potential within Obsidian. Getting some of these roadmap items to work with Obsidian might be a bit of a dance, but we are of the mind that one should always look at a problem and find potential solutions. This sparks the creativity of puzzle solvers.


Explore the Data

Start here
Index of Notes: https://osint-project.netlify.app/notes/_Index_of_Russia-Belarus
Index of Maps: https://osint-project.netlify.app/notes/Maps/_Index_of_Maps